SMILE stands for Supporting My Independent Living Enterprise!
Matt Resnik is an autistic young adult who created SMILE® Biscotti after his high school graduation so he could start supporting himself and saving for his own place to live. He’s always loved baking and routine, which ensure consistent, high quality biscotti. The most important ingredients to SMILE’s classic American-style biscotti are Matt and his co-workers, who also are autistic or are otherly disabled. Individually wrapped cinnamon vanilla, double chip, mocha magic and butterscotch bliss SMILE’s are packaged with hand written notes of thanks, creating smiles long before the seals are opened! Order online any time. SMILE can bake, package and label biscotti to meet your party, event and gift needs. Replication plans are now underway and have started with the creation of SMILE® Biscotti DFW, where Jon and his family are leading Texas sales.
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Shipping: Yes